Objective procedures are in place at each level of human resources management, including internal and external recruitment, training and professional development, and promotion.
We offer an extensive training programme, which is adapted to individual needs and skills. The partnership-based relationships with employees are maintained by open and two-way communication. We ensure employees are informed on an ongoing basis about changes and events in the company through regular meetings with management personnel, as well as numerous internal communication tools, including a company intranet and an internal bulletin entitled “Panaceum”. We conduct surveys of employee engagement on a regular basis, and if necessary, implement any required measures on the basis of dialogue with internal stakeholders.
We provide the employees with the possibility of free trade union association. There are two Trade Unions in Polpharma: Międzyzakładowy Związek Zawodowy “Chemików” (Inter-works Trade Union “Chemists”) and Komisja Międzyzakładowa NSZZ „Solidarność” (Inter-Works Committee of NSZZ “Solidarność”), which are partners in any discussion with the management board in the development of solutions important for employees.